Thursday, October 31, 2013


Rather than repeat what is said here is the link.
It is good to hear the Catholic Church working on the problem of hunger.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Co Dependency

Pulling a midnight shift, so I figured I'd blab a bit.

Co Dependant
well what is it? Cue google search and wiki
then you have a psychological point of view with a list of the symptoms. And finally WebMD's take.

My summary is that a codependant sacrifices themselves to the point of harm for another person. Mostly the articles point to those in relationships with substance addict, but the condition can arise without substance addiction.

While some dependency is needed in a relationship I think the defining line is marked at two things. One being one person in the relationship is giving to the point of harm to themselves. Two the person giving to the point of harming themselves is doing so that the other can be enabled; be it drugs etc.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Finally Friday

Yup its Friday and yup its a full moon and then one of the folks I work with decided to say it was slow... 30 minutes later all hell broke loose

I need a hug, but I am gonna settle for beer and manual labor tonight.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pope Francis

I love this guy.

Really really love this guy.

The first article I read on him today was about his effectively kicking the priest in charge of the papal charities out of his chair with a command to go and see those asking for help.

Then I read how he is warning against "moralistic ideology".

I just wanna shout to all hey check this dude out!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Abortion: moral? or legal?

Hot button topic, tis always fun.

Personally I feel that its a womans choice, she is after all the one who has to or not live with either side of that coin.

But for the sake of arguement and to see if I can change my opinion here we go ...

Pro lifers, for lack of a better term, say that life starts at conception.

Yet more oft than not when a person is brain dead those given the power choose to remove life support. Brain waves don't start until the pregnancy is 6 weeks along.

From my understanding your pronounced dead if your heart wont beat. A fetuses heart doesn't start beating until the pregnancy is 3 weeks along.

Also its should be noted that a baby's organs are not fully form until 37 weeks have passed, but babys born before then do have some chance depending on how developed they are. These are babys that are normally refered to as a "premie" indicating that the were born before all systems were fully formed and functional. Premies often have multiple problems that develop later in life centered around brain development, which makes me wonder if that is what caused the early birth.

But a fetus is not a fully formed person, so can you really use the same metrics to determine life? It represents the potential for life, but yet it can't survive on its own.

This is why I consider abortion a moral decision; how do you decide if and when a fetus becomes a human being?

Many have tried to get that very question answered and legalized and I don't know of one that has stuck for the whole of the USA; Its a moral decision.

Christ taught to give on to Cesar what is Cesar and give to God what is God's. Moral decisions are God's realm, laws are the governments at least in my understanding of separation of church and state. Therefore would it not be wrong for one to impose on the others realm of power?

Which means that the government has not right to impose laws about moral decisions.

You want to end abortion, change the way pregnancy is seen, change the way society sees a woman who has given birth. The chances of effecting to a 100% birth rate is not that great, but that is where faith and hope come in and lets not forget lots and lots of dedication and hard work.

So in the end I guess you can say I am of both sides of this argument.

what say you?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fear and welfare

Lets start with the Wikipedia definition:

"Fear is an emotion induced by a perceived threat which causes entities to quickly pull far away from it and usually hide. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger. In short, fear is the ability to recognize danger leading to an urge to confront it or flee from it (also known as the fight-or-flight response) but in extreme cases of fear (horror and terror) a freeze or paralysis response is possible"

From a Catholic stand point fear is defined as:

"Fear is an unsettlement of soul consequent upon the apprehension of some present or future danger."
Ok so I am Catholic, get over it.

So fear is the result of one foreseeing a possible loss of a valued item, view, etc. Or being confronted with the loss of a valued item.

Would it be accurate to say that where there is fear there is no joy, love, hope, etc? I think so.

So if fear is the absence of joy, love hope, etc then anything that brings those feelings during or while you are in a situation that causes fear will be held tight.

And finally...

It is because of the need to have good feelings and to not be afraid that welfare, etc will not go away until or unless another system springs up to be as effective and as indiscriminate as welfare is.

It is the fear of not having food, shelter and clothing that keeps the welfare system in place.

This is where the churches should step up.
Yet the churches are known for delivering judgment not compassion, so I can see why one would find a government ran option as preferable. There is not judgment as to if you are worthy other than proof of need and continued proof of need. That's an easy requirement to meet and prove.

I know there are soup kitchens that feed any who walk in their doors ran by churches, but feeding a person for one day does not solve their need the next. Just like the government ran welfare giving money etc away doesn't solve the need, only transfer the burden of the person.

So I do wonder what could be done, for I do believe every life is precious and entitled to food, shelter, and clothing. But I also know that baring a massive psychological change for the whole there will always be those who will not have those things.

Because it will take a change in the way people view food, clothing and shelter for all to not worry about their having it.

Its a bit disjointed, but I'll go with it

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


To those of you following from PalmCityGirl; Welcome!

To those of you who are new; Hello!

This blog is for the posting of my point of view and opinions. If your offended stop reading, cause what is posted is staying.

To those who would caution me about what I put up; I refuse to live in fear. That being said there are lines I won't cross; my address, phone number, etc. Will NOT be featured on or in any postings.

Beyond that if anyone cares to create a dossier on me, its not hard to find bits and pieces about me all over the net. Or just ask, I after all have nothing to hide. My opinions are mine and formed by my world view amongst other things.

Enjoy your stay and I look forward to some engaging conversations