A blogger I follow http://bayourenaissanceman.blogspot.com/?m=1 posted a bit about having an internet signature or history.
Some one replied something to the effect of an employer using your internet history as a deciding factor for hiring.
Personally I do not think using your latest or even historical postings as a means to determine if you get a job (unless the job is something along the lines of a blog, news, etc. Where your being hired for your opinions) should be permitted.
Every person in this country is entitled to an opinion and entitled to express it, as provided in the constitution.
Every person, including our highest office, is entitled to a personal life. I cringe and pity who ever is the latest victim of our obsession to know everything about who ever is in the spot light. Some times I wonder if it is done out of envy, a means to pull the person down. I sympathize with them for the pain it must put them through to have the worst parts of themselves flung in their face everyday and hung out for all to see.
That being said. My PERSONAL life is just that PERSONAL. I make no claims to be perfect. I am a sinner. I have done wrong and crazy and bizzar and OMG WTF. All that means is I am human, will I answer truthfully about it, yes. Am I proud of it, well that depends on what we are talking about. I am not proud of breaking my word to be with one man the rest of my life (aka marriage), but I draw the line at being shaken by the man that claims he loves me. Which brings to mind another idea for a blog post. There are something's that I quite proud of that are not quite "right".
So unless my employer is going to pay me around the clock, don't know many that do, what I do on my non paid time is entirely my business and not theirs. The ONLY exception I make is for if I break a law, then its my employers business IF it effects my ability to do my job.
But then you have folks who are on call. Here is quasi land. Or that wonderful grey shade ... Hehe ... Still with in reason, read with in legal limits, what they do away from their office is their business unless clearly defined and accepted between both parties in a contract with the ramifications of failure defined.
What say you the reader?
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