Sunday, December 2, 2018

Conversations with Red Vs Blue

I have been talking with a few people lately about Democrats and Republicans; the following is a bit of a summary of these conversations. Folks do have these conversations with everyone, but be respectful and do your research too. Pro-tip: News Outlets, talk shows, and the like are not research. It qualifies for research when the scientific method has been used or history proves it.

We all know that the kneeling during the national anthem was a protest. Did you know that, whether or not it was meant this way, it was done during the anthem because of what the anthem represents. The national anthem is an outward display of nationalism and this protest is about how their nation is oppressing them. Learning that blew my mind and now the protest makes perfect sense to me.

There is an opinion out there that breaking American financially will solve the destroying of the earth. My opinion is that if American is broken financially it will only slow down the destruction for a short period of time before it comes back with a vengeance. This is due, in my opinion, to the fact that those who do not only survive, but find a way to thrive the down fall are going to be rather near sociopathic or psychopathic as we define it now, if not both. In times of limited supplies over a long time the most ruthless survive. In times of limited supplies with a known end time frame, like recovering from a hurricane, charity abound. This is because it is easier to be very charitable when you know it will end and can compute the exact cost to yourself while maintaining your own accustomed level of living.

Destroying America financially will re-enforce the might makes right mentality that is the root of all the behaviors that got us in the position we are in. Find another way.

Democrats; can you change the way to talk about inclusion to mean also those who you think are resisting you? Why do I ask this? Because apparently Democrats are willing to let Republicans live as they see fit yet until I asked a campaign worker, who I believe knows the party well, I did not know this. 

In the conversation about Democrats being willing to let Republicans live as they see fit and with the topic of abortion it became apparent that there definitely is a line that needs to be defined; personal sovereignty. This is actually the root of the dispute for abortion. Can we stop fighting over abortion and start talking about the root problem? Where does personal sovereignty begin? It is not going to be an easy question to answer and it should not be, because answering it will affect so much.

Personal Responsibility. This is another seemingly unanswered issue that has been laid to rest, but is costing so much to everyone. Every time a doctor is sued, every doctor's insurance rates go up. Every time a person gets into an accident with out insurance, insurance rates go up. Should these people be held responsible; definitely! However; how much are you really entitled to for compensation? Example: suing McDonald's for being burned by their coffee. What was your coffee doing in a location that it could spill and burn you? And honestly; did you really need that amount of money to reach maximum possible recovery from the injury? I was in a motorcycle accident February 2018 and as of this writing total cost covered by my insurance and myself is less than $500, 000 as of this time. The bills seem to keep coming in, but I doubt they will break 500, 000 as the ones who would have the biggest numbers have already weighted in.

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