Saturday, October 5, 2019


For some reason the idea of raising chickens on feed produced by myself from my garden came to being. In order to evaluate if this is possible and how much work/garden I am talking about I have done some research.

I used the chicken feed recipe from a blog to make the following calculations. Also the weight and other measurements were acquired via google search.


30% Dried Corn
30% Wheat
20% Peas
10% Oat
10% Fish Meal
2% Chicken Nutri Balancer

Because I can only reasonably produce Corn, Wheat, Peas, and Oats the math is only being done for those items. The number of chickens in this experiment is going to be 6, as during high egg production times this is a reasonable number for me to keep up with and put away the eggs. I can reasonably eat 2 to 4 eggs a day with spare(s) to put away, while ensuring that during low production or a stop of production I can still have fresh eggs or use the extras put away.

Chicken Math 6 chickens = 10 pounds of feed

Using the ratio of 1/4 pound of feed per day from another blogger multiplied by 6 chickens and 7 days a week results in 9 pounds of feed. To make the math easier I am using 10 pounds of feed. Also by using 10 pounds I can not have to stress too much about over feeding sometimes or having to weight out the feed each day; a guest-a-mate of the amount of feed to put out will do.

Now that we know how many pounds of feed we are looking at each week let's look at the production of that feed

Corn Math 

In order to get 30% Dried Corn in a 10 pound mix you will need 3 pounds of dried corn with results in 8 1/8 cups of dried corn per week and 422.5 cups per year. To find out these numbers the weight of 1 cup of corn was found to be .37 pounds. One pound was divided by .37 which resulted in to 2.4 cups of dried corn per pound. This number was checked by multiplying 2.4 cups by .37 pounds with the results equaling .99.

Sweet Corn was chosen for the corn variety due to the possibility of over raising for eating and the higher sugar content. In general corn needs 3 feet of space between plants, will produce 1 to 2 ears of corn per plant, and 55-75 days to mature to harvest. At .5 to .75 cup of dried corn produced per ear that means a total of 600 plants need to be planned for to ensure sufficient harvest. Using the 3 foot spacing this will result in a 40 foot by 45 foot or 1,800 square feet of space needed to grow sufficient corn; smaller blocks of 10 feet by 15 feet with 50 plants per plot can be used for easier placement depending on your property. If you want to use the moons to plant and harvest by then the corn would have to be planted in July with the anticipated harvest in September.

Wheat Math

In order to get 30% Wheat in a 10 pound mix you will need 3 pounds of wheat which results in 7.2 cups per week or 374.4 cups per year; I am going to easy my math by using 375 cups or 159 pounds. Using a google search I found that 1 cup of wheat weights approximately .42 pound; dependent on the type of wheat.

Nebraska growers use seeding rates for winter wheat that vary from 30 to 180 lb per acre (320,000 to almost 3,000,000 seeds per acre). The lower rates are most common in drier areas. The higher rates are used for irrigated wheat which often is seeded in narrower rows and later in the season since it often follows another crop rather than fallow. [source website] Using this information 1 acre of wheat that is irrigated or has sufficient rain fall is needed; 1 acre is 43,560 square feet or 209ft 9in square. Spring wheat typically needs 4 months to be ready for harvest; planted between March and May with Harvest being in July and September.With winter wheat needing 8 months to mature; planting in October to December with harvest in late spring or early summer.

However it looks like Wheat needs a much cooler climate than I want to live in ... so a replacement grain will be needed...

Pea Math

So that there is 20% Peas in our 10 mix I will need 2 pounds of dried peas resulting in 2 cups per week or 104 cups per year.

Oat Math

To get 10% Oat in the 10 pound mix I will need 1 pound of (not rolled) oats per week or 52 pounds per year.

I stopped doing the math of how much growing space would be needed after finding that Wheat would need 1 acre. Unfortunately the space need to raise 6 chickens off of mostly self produced grains looks to be about 5 acres. Fortunately those plants for the most part do not need much attention, but unfortunately they will need a watering system in order to ensure sufficient production.

5 acres is a lot of land to farm by one's self.

It could be possible to up the production rates by using different seed, soil, fertilizer, etc. however I am one to plan for the lowest possible out come so as to ensure sufficient supply for the minimum. Planning in the manner can reduce the stress of possible failure and builds in a sort of fail safe in that you know your chances of success are that much more.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Generational Differences

Listening to my folks retail stories from when they were kids and teens has me up for a bit. The stories also contain things that would just make me mean, not have the results that they intend.

For example. "Busters" or corporal punishment in school. That's like double dog daring me. Pain has not been a good deter-ant for a very long time for me; probably sense I hit puberty. If pain was capable of stopping my behavior then I would not be walking as well as I am after the motorcycle accident.

One glaring difference in the way I was raised and the retelling of the way my folks were raised is that during the era they were raised "Might makes right" is a re-occurring theme. I have the ability to make you feel pain there fore you must obey me. Where as I see the newer generations asking; what is right?

This ambiguity of what is right and not accepting being told what is right just because someone else is stronger or can cause you pain seems to be causing a lot of issues as well. At the same time; this questioning is needed. At least in my opinion.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Veils for Catholic Women

During an outing with my mother in which mom had to go into a Catholic Gift Shop I saw these veils. Upon asking my mom what and why about them I learned that it was a pre-Vatican 2 thing. I figure with time on my hands that looking into this topic further a worthy pursuit.

For the first 2000 years of the Church, veiling was a commonplace tradition. In the time of the early Church, it was for purposes of modesty in everyday life, but eventually the practice evolved to women covering their heads only inside of churches—in the presence of the Eucharist. Veiling, either with a chapel veil or mantilla, or even a hat, became less commonplace following the Second Vatican Council, until the 1983 Code of Canon Law did away with statements on women’s head coverings completely. Now, the tradition remains as a optional devotion that many traditional or charismatic Catholics treasure because of the mystery and meaning embedded in it. [3]
The veil is meant to be an external sign of a woman's interior desire to humble herself before God, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. St. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:7 "A man, on the other hand, should not cover his head because he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man."When we say "veil," we simply mean "covering" of any kind. Although many women choose lace mantillas because of their femininity, more important than the type of veil we use is the need for a proper interior disposition. Similar to a religious habit, your veil is a public proclamation of your desire to submit to the will of God for your life, and of your commitment to answering the universal call to holiness and continual conversion. Keep these things in mind when you wear a veil in the presence God.[1]

The 1983 Code of Canon Law, currently in force, does not contain a requirement that women cover their head in church. As Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Supreme Apostolic Signatura, stated in a private letter: "The wearing of a chapel veil for women is not required when women assist at the Holy Mass according to the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite. It is, however, the expectation that women who assist at the Mass according to the Extraordinary Form cover their heads, as was the practice at the time that the 1962 Missale Romanum was in force. It is not, however, a sin to participate in the Holy Mass according to the Extraordinary Form without a veil." [1]

Throughout early Christian culture, the veil was again seen as a symbol of modesty. To be without a veil was a sign of indecency and impropriety. Furthermore, it was customary to shave a woman’s head as punishment for infidelity – the equivalent of the Puritans making an adulteress wear the scarlet letter ‘A’ sown onto her garment during the 1600s. This is why Saint Paul compares a woman unveiled to a woman shaved, as this was a sign of disgrace, impropriety, and disrespect. As Saint Paul points out later in the same letter to the Corinthians, hair for a woman was a physical sign of feminine beauty and for it to be taken away was going against nature – thus a disgrace to femininity. [2]

Throughout his letter to the Corinthians, Saint Paul points out the importance of gender differences and the role each plays in God’s plan – to deviate would be unnatural, disgraceful, and sinful. Of course, it’s important to not focus too much on Saint Paul’s opinion on women’s hair – as if a woman is committing an egregious sin in cutting her hair. At the same time it would be a disservice to the Apostle to skip over his main point on the importance of gender differences and keeping with the natural law – the hair and veil being one example emphasizing those gender differences. [2]



Compassion Fatigue

Any one who has worked in a field where they have to give care or those who have had to care for an ill family member needs to be aware of Compassion Fatigue. Those of us who are in the lives of these individuals need to be aware so that we can understand and support those who work in these conditions.

However not only those who provide care can fall to Compassion Fatigue. In today's world, where every tragedy is instantly broadcast directly into our living rooms (TV), laps (laptop), and/or hands (smartphone), compassion fatigue is no longer unique to certain professions. As Dr. Amit Sood points out in his book, The Mayo Clinic Guide to Stress-Free Living, "... we are inundated with graphic images of the unimaginable suffering of millions. We can fathom the suffering of a few, but a million becomes a statistic that numbs us." [3]

Compassion Fatigue symptoms are normal displays of chronic stress resulting from the care giving work we choose to do. Leading traumatologist Eric Gentry suggests that people who are attracted to care giving often enter the field already compassion fatigued. A strong identification with helpless, suffering, or traumatized people or animals is possibly the motive. It is common for such people to hail from a tradition of what Gentry labels: other-directed care giving. Simply put, these are people who were taught at an early age to care for the needs of others before caring for their own needs. Authentic, ongoing self-care practices are absent from their lives. [1]

Signs of compassion fatigue include: [2]

  • Feeling burdened by the suffering of others
  • Blaming others for their suffering
  • Isolating yourself
  • Loss of pleasure in life
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Insomnia
  • Physical and mental fatigue
  • Bottling up your emotions
  • Increased nightmares
  • Feelings of hopelessness or powerlessness
  • Frequent complaining about your work or your life
  • Overeating
  • Excessive use of drugs or alcohol
  • Poor self-care
  • Beginning to receive a lot of complaints about your work or attitude
  • Denial

To see where you fall on the compassion satisfaction/fatigue continuum, take the Professional Quality of Life (PROQOL) questionnaire, which was developed by Dr. Beth Hundall Stamm, one of the world's leading experts on compassion fatigue. In addition to English, the PROQOL has been translated into 17 different languages, all of which can be found here. Although the measure was originally developed for professional "helpers," it can provide important feedback about compassion fatigue, burnout, and life stress for anyone who spends a good deal of time helping others. [3]

How to prevent Compassion Fatigue

1. Get Educated. [4] 

Learn what the signs are and how you (might) manifest them. Using a 1 to 10 scale is suggested by some, but considering that there are about 16 signs using a 1 to 16 scale where you check off each sign you see in your life might be more beneficial as it requires less thought to do.

2. Practice Self Care. [4] 

A balance between of work to the rest of your life. Eating right or having a balanced diet helps the body cope with the physical aspect of stress and keeps your body chemistry in line. Exercising releases "happy hormones" which help to mentally de-stress you. A regular sleep schedule helps to keep you well rested so that you have more reserves to draw off to deal with the day to day stressors. Last and probably most important; honoring your emotional needs. 

3. Set Emotional Boundaries. [4]

The challenge is to remain compassionate, empathetic, and supportive of others without becoming overly involved and taking on another’s pain. Setting emotional boundaries helps maintain a connection while still remembering and honoring the fact that you are a separate person with your own needs.[4] 

4. Engage in Outside Hobbies. [4]  

"All work and no play ..." Having a good work to life balance will help you to prevent Compassion Fatigue. Not only that it helps to lower stress levels and will improve your over all satisfaction with life.

5. Cultivate friendships outside of work.[4] 

We all need emotional support and room to express things that normally cannot be expressed at work. Having friends outside of work provides this. Also having friends outside of work gives you a space where you are not constantly reminded of work.

6. Journalling. [4] 

Writing out your difficult emotions allows for a space where they can be expressed without fear of reprisal or judgement. Fully expressing difficult emotions allows you to process them; something that has also been incorporated in PTSD treatment. 

7. Workplace Support [4]

Join group(s) at work, take mental health days, use your break periods, onsite counseling, etc.

8. Professional Help [4]

Thankfully there is a movement to make seeking mental health care as normal as going to your general practice doctor. 

Monday, September 9, 2019

Cottage Industry

Many states have laws that allow individuals to use their unlicensed home kitchens to produce for sale certain foods that present a low risk of foodborne illness. Cottage food operators can produce and sell these products directly to consumers without obtaining a food permit from the state.

A Cottage Industry is a business or manufacturing that is carried out in a family home by the family living there. (1) Mostly Cottage Industries are labor intensive and face significant disadvantages in competing with major industry. There are many major industries that have a start as a cottage industry prior to the industrial revolution. It seems that where there is a surplus of cheap labor there are a significant number of cottage industries. Places such as undeveloped countries where there is less capital, but a large labor pool. (2)

Each country, state, and city has different laws governing Cottage Industries. For the most part each government entity limits what foods can be sold, where they can be sold, who they can be sold to, and how much money you can make per year.

In Alabama 

Alabama created a cottage food law (SB 159) in 2014. Previously, this state only allowed homemade food sales at farmers markets. This cottage food law is relatively restrictive. It allows direct, in-person sales of many non-perishable food items. Cottage food operators must take a food safety training course and are limited to $20,000 of sales per year. (3)

Alabama also has the requirements of taking a food safety course and afterwards a review course that covers labeling. In addition Alabama requires the Cottage Industry to charge sales taxes and limits the amount sold to a gross total of $20,000 per year. (3)

In Florida

Florida law allows individuals to use their unlicensed home kitchens to produce for sale certain foods that present a low risk of foodborne illness. Cottage food operators can produce and sell these products directly to consumers without obtaining a food permit from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Gross sales for a cottage food operation must not exceed $50,000 annually. (4)



Sunday, September 8, 2019

Blood Stained Banner - Confederate History 3rd National Flag

The red stripe modification was put forth by Major Arthur L. Rogers who argued that during the mist of battle the Second National Flag looked too much like a white flag of surrender. He took this argument to the Confederate Senate where he proposed that not only will the redesign cause less confusion on the battlefield, but that the less “Yankee Blue” the flag had the better. This of course in reference to the blue on the United States flag and blue uniforms Union soldiers wore. [1]

The Flag Act of 1865 officially adopted the Third National flag. Unfortunately the law passed near the very end of the war and very few flags were made and put on the field. While very few Confederate soldiers ever saw the flag it’s now almost universally distinguished in Dixie. [1]

The Flag Act of 1865, passed by the Confederate congress near the very end of the War, describes the flag in the following language:

The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the flag of the Confederate States shall be as follows: The width two-thirds of its length, with the union (now used as the battle flag) to be in width three-fifths of the width of the flag, and so proportioned as to leave the length of the field on the side of the union twice the width of the field below it; to have the ground red and a broad blue saltire thereon, bordered with white and emblazoned with mullets or five pointed stars, corresponding in number to that of the Confederate States; the field to be white, except the outer half from the union to be a red bar extending the width of the flag.[2]



Stainless Banner - Confederate History 2nd National Flag

During the solicitation for a second Confederate national flag, many different types of designs were proposed, nearly all based on the battle flag, which by 1863 had become well-known and popular among those living in the Confederacy. The Confederate Congress specified that the new design be a white field "...with the union (now used as the battle flag) to be a square of two-thirds the width of the flag, having the ground red; thereupon a broad saltire of blue, bordered with white, and emblazoned with mullets or five-pointed stars, corresponding in number to that of the Confederate States."[1]

The flag is also known as the Stainless Banner, and the matter of the person behind its design remains a point of contention. On April 23, 1863, the Savannah Morning News editor William Tappan Thompson, with assistance from William Ross Postell, a Confederate blockade runner, published an editorial championing a design featuring the battle flag on a white background he referred to later as "The White Man's Flag."[6] In explaining the white background, Thompson wrote, "As a people we are fighting to maintain the Heaven-ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race; a white flag would thus be emblematical of our cause." In a letter to Confederate Congressman C. J. Villeré, dated April 24, 1863, a design similar to Thompson's was proposed by General P. G. T. Beauregard, "whose earlier penchant for practicality had established the precedent for visual distinctiveness on the battlefield, proposed that 'a good design for the national flag would be the present battle-flag as Union Jack, and the rest all white or all blue'....The final version of the second national flag, adopted May 1, 1863, did just this: it set the St. Andrew's Cross of stars in the Union Jack with the rest of the civilian banner entirely white."[1]

The Confederate Congress debated whether the white field should have a blue stripe and whether it should be bordered in red. William Miles delivered a speech supporting the simple white design that was eventually approved. He argued that the battle flag must be used, but for a national flag it was necessary to emblazon it, but as simply as possible, with a plain white field. When Thompson received word the Congress had adopted the design with a blue stripe, he published an editorial on April 28 in opposition, writing that "the blue bar running up the centre of the white field and joining with the right lower arm of the blue cross, is in bad taste, and utterly destructive of the symmetry and harmony of the design." Confederate Congressman Peter W. Gray proposed the amendment that gave the flag its white field.Gray stated that the white field represented "purity, truth and freedom."[1]

Regardless of who truly originated the design of the Stainless Banner, whether by heeding Thompson's editorials or Beauregard's letter, the Stainless Banner was officially adopted by the Confederate Congress on May 1, 1863. The flags that were actually produced by the Richmond Clothing Depot used the 1.5:1 ratio adopted for the Confederate navy's battle ensign, rather than the official 2:1 ratio.[1]

Initial reaction to the second national flag was favorable, but over time it became criticized for being "too white." Military officers also voiced complaints about the flag being too white, for various reasons, such as the danger of being mistaken for a flag of truce, especially on naval ships, and that it was too easily soiled. The Columbia-based Daily South Carolinian observed that it was essentially a battle flag upon a flag of truce and might send a mixed message. Due to the flag's resemblance to one of truce, some Confederate soldiers cut off the white portion of the flag, leaving only the canton.[1]

The first official use of the "Stainless Banner" was to drape the coffin of General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson as it lay in state in the Virginia capitol, May 12, 1863.[1]


"As a people, we are fighting to maintain the heaven ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race: a white flag would thus be emblematical of our cause"
~~~William Tappan Thompson, designer of this flag.



Saturday, September 7, 2019

Stars and Bars - Confederate History 1st National Flag

The First Official Flag of the Confederacy. Although less well known than the "Confederate Battle Flags",the Stars and Bars was used as the official flag of the Confederacy from March 1861 to May of 1863. The pattern and colors of this flag did not distinguish it sharply fom the Stars and Stripes of the Union. Consequently, considerable confusion was caused on the battlefield. [1]

The seven stars represent the original Confederate States; [1] 

  • South Carolina (December 20, 1860), 
  • Mississippi(January 9, 1861), 
  • Florida (January 10,1861), 
  • Alabama (January 11, 1861), 
  • Georgia (January 19, 1861), 
  • Louisiana (January 26, 1861), 
  • Texas (February 1, 1861). 

Designed by German/Prussian artist Nicola Marschall in Marion, Alabama, and resembled the Flag of Austria, with which Marschall would have been familiar.[2][3] The "Stars and Bars" flag was adopted March 4, 1861, in the first temporary national capital of Montgomery, Alabama, and raised over the dome of that first Confederate capitol. Marschall also designed the Confederate army uniform.[3]

A monument in Louisburg, North Carolina, claims the "Stars and Bars" "was designed by a son of North Carolina / Orren Randolph Smith / and made under his direction by / Catherine Rebecca (Murphy) Winborne. / Forwarded to Montgomery, Ala. Feb 12, 1861, / Adopted by the Provisional Congress March 4, 1861".[4]

One of the first acts of the Provisional Confederate Congress was to create the Committee on the Flag and Seal, chaired by William Porcher Miles, a congressman and Fire-Eater from South Carolina. The committee asked the public to submit thoughts and ideas on the topic and was, as historian John M. Coski puts it, "overwhelmed by requests not to abandon the 'old flag' of the United States." Miles had already designed a flag that later became known as the Confederate Battle Flag, and he favored his flag over the "Stars and Bars" proposal. But given the popular support for a flag similar to the U.S. flag ("the Stars and Stripes" – originally established and designed in June 1777 during the Revolutionary War), the "Stars and Bars" design was approved by the committee.[5]

When the American Civil War broke out, the "Stars and Bars" caused confusion on the battlefield at the First Battle of Bull Run because of its similarity to the U.S. flag, especially when it was hanging limp, down on the flagstaff.[5] The "Stars and Bars" was also criticized on ideological grounds for its resemblance to the U.S. flag. Many Confederates disliked the Stars and Bars, seeing it as symbolic of a centralized federal power the Confederate states were seceding from.[6] As early as April 1861, a month after the flag's adoption, some were already criticizing the flag, calling it a "servile imitation" and a "detested parody" of the U.S. flag.[7] In January 1862, George William Bagby, writing for the Southern Literary Messenger, wrote that many Confederates disliked the flag. "Every body wants a new Confederate flag," Bagby wrote. "The present one is universally hated. It resembles the Yankee flag and that is enough to make it unutterably detestable." The editor of the Charleston Mercury expressed a similar view: "It seems to be generally agreed that the 'Stars and Bars' will never do for us. They resemble too closely the dishonored 'Flag of Yankee Doodle' … we imagine that the 'Battle Flag' will become the Southern Flag by popular acclaim." William T. Thompson, the editor of the Savannah-based Daily Morning News also objected to the flag, due to its aesthetic similarity to the U.S. flag, which for some Confederates had negative associations with emancipation and abolitionism. Thompson stated in April 1863 that he disliked the adopted flag "on account of its resemblance to that of the abolition despotism against which we are fighting."

Over the course of the flag's use by the Confederacy, additional stars were added to the flag's canton, eventually bringing the total number of stars on the flag to thirteen. This reflected the Confederacy's claims of having admitted Kentucky and Missouri into the Confederacy. Although they were represented in the Confederate Congress for the duration of its meetings, and had shadow governments made up of deposed former state politicians, neither state was ever fully controlled or administered by the Confederacy. The first showing of the 13-star flag was outside the Ben Johnson House in Bardstown, Kentucky; the 13-star design was also in use as the Confederate navy's battle ensign.


  5. Coski, John M. (2005). The Confederate Battle Flag: America's Most Embattled Emblem. United States of America: First Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-01722-1.

Bonnie Blue Flag - Confederate History Flag of Secession

The “Bonnie Blue Flag” (also known as the "Lone Star Flag") is often linked to the Confederacy. However, the flag had its origins long before any southern state seceded from the Union. The first recorded use of this flag was in 1810 when it was used to represent the Republic of West Florida, a republic of English speaking inhabitants of southern Alabama, Mississippi, and portions of Louisiana east of the Mississippi River who rebelled against the reign of Spanish government and overthrew Spain’s provincial Governor de Lassus at Baton Rouge. The republic lasted barely three months, dissolved after the annexation of Louisiana’s portion of the disputed land to the United States territory. (1)

Next to "Dixie's Land," perhaps no other song was as well loved by the Confederate soldier as "The Bonnie Blue Flag." Written by Harry Macarthy (1834-1888) and sung to the old Irish tune "The Irish Jaunting Car," the song lays out the order of secession of the States that went on to form the Confederacy.   The first flag of the Confederacy was a single white star on a blue background. This song, especially popular in the South during the early years of the war, counts out the eleven seceding states one by one.  (2)

In May 1862, Union forces entered New Orleans and the city became one of the first occupied territories in the South during the Civil War. From May to December 1862, General Benjamin Butler ruled over the city. His legacy is marked by his severe social policies. General Order No. 40 states that “Any person who has in his possession...any property of any kind or description whatever, of the so-called Confederate States...shall be liable to imprisonment and to have his property confiscated.” With this order, owning or singing one of the most popular songs of the period became an act of treason. Arrest records from New Orleans papers reveal that men and women were regularly arrested for singing “Bonnie Blue Flag,” and were charged with a range of penalties, from a fine to time in the workhouse to a full pardon. (3)

The Bonnie Blue Flag (4)

by Harry McCarty

We are a band of brothers, and native to the soil
Fighting for our liberty, with treasure, blood, and toil,
And when our rights were threatened, the cry rose near and far
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears the single star

[chorus] Hurrah! Hurrah! for southern rights Hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star

As long as the Union was faithful to her trust,
Like friends and like bretheren, kind we were and just
But now when northern treachery attempts our rights to mar
We hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star

[chorus] Hurrah! Hurrah! for southern rights Hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star

First, gallant South Carolina nobly made the stand,
Then came Alabama, who took her by the hand
Next, quickly Mississippi, Georgia and Florida
All raised on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears the single star

[chorus] Hurrah! Hurrah! for southern rights Hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star

Ye men of valor gather round the Banner of the Right,
Texas and Louisiana, join us in the fight
Davis, our loved President, and Stephens, statemen rare
Now rally round the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears the single star

[chorus] Hurrah! Hurrah! for southern rights Hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star

And here's to brave Virginia! The Old Dominion State
With the young Confederacy at length has linked her fate
Impelled by her example, now other States prepare
To hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star

[chorus] Hurrah! Hurrah! for southern rights Hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star

Then cheer boys, raise the joyous shout
For Arkansas and North Carolina now have both gone out
And let another rousing cheer for Tenneessee be given
The single star of the Bonnie Blue Flag has grown to be eleven

[chorus] Hurrah! Hurrah! for southern rights Hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star

Then here's to our Confederacy, strong we are and brave
Like patriots of old, we'll fight our heritage to save
And rather than submit to shame, to die we would prefer,
So cheer for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears the single star

[chorus] Hurrah! Hurrah! for southern rights Hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star



My Dream and the Next Chapter of My Life

This is one big dream that will take much time and effort to realize...

With the selling of my last house and the leaving of my job as well I am in a very unique situation in that I now have the freedom to do pretty much anything. With this freedom comes the possibility of dreaming. The American Dream is to own a home; it is a dream that I have had and plan to have again. However unlike last time I have more options than I did. The options come in the form of more life experience to define what I do want and more money, at least at this moment, to start building with.

Idealistically I am looking for a sweet spot of housing/land prices and job market. 

I learned with the last house that cornering myself with a particular wage, which includes a particular job, just is not conductive to low stress. This is a lesson that I had learned from my parents and watching them struggle as I was growing up, but had not realized exactly how one gets into this position. Armed now with the information of how one gets into the position of needing a certain wage, aka job, or at least how I ended up there last time I am aiming to reduce the chances of it happening again.

This rolls into the job market and housing/land price sweet spot I am looking for. My goal is an area with a thriving, even if it appears to have high turn over, job market that I can purchase housing at a price that literally any job will do. What I mean by any job is minimum wage 32 hours a week or about $200 per week with an annual income of $10,400. That's not to say I won't look for better job opportunities or better pay, but that I am setting my minimum income requirement to that level and by doing so restricting the cost of the housing solution purchased to that level.

There are other factors that will pay into the final decision as well. Such as the neighborhood environment; Crime Rates, Appearance, etc. While I don't particularly care about who I live next to, I do recognize the danger of living alone in particular types of environments. Then there are certain political or moral views that I hold dear and my refusal to give money to those who oppose them. Even if that money is in the form of taxes.

The House Itself

I am human just like everyone else reading this blog. Which means that If I have the space I will fill it. So acknowledging this fact along with the desire to not live with others I am limiting my living space to around 800 square feet. My last house I had lived in for just about 9 years was 1,275 square feet and oh my did I have a lot of unneeded stuff that I had to figure out what to do with when it was time to move. Prior to listing the house I had limited my living area to only the master suite and living room, so I know this house size range will be just about right.

Building wise I am leaning towards something with a high efficiency rating, if I am going to build. To date I have looked at the Earth Ship Building, Sand Bag Building, Micro House, Compacted Earth Building, and Passive House Building designs. While I love the Earth Ship concept the most, on the practical side it does not quite measure up. Each of the Building Styles definitely have their place, but Passive House would be an easier modification for contractors/engineers to accommodate me on. A Passive House Building is also a building that I can build if I so choose. Earth Ships and Sand Bags are beyond my physical abilities due to the significantly higher labor requirements. The reality is that I will more than likely end up with a "mongrel" house that incorporates building styles from the different ones I know of based on the location of the house I get.

Another consideration I will have to account for is making the house suitable for disability. This requirement is do to my knee randomly, ok my pushing my luck sometimes, becoming difficult to use. When the knee is being difficult I have found that the disabled bathrooms are a god send, so this is information that will need to be included into my plans as well.

The Land

In order to garden I will need land. My folks are currently doing what is called row gardening on a quarter acre; Row Gardening is planting in rows. My prior experience is that of french intensive or square foot gardening, At my last house I had designed, with help from a book by Tom MacCubbin, a landscape that was not just visually appealing, but also productive. It is my goal to do the same at the new place, only with the above mentioned "kitchen" set in the middle-ish. Think something like the pleasure gardens of the castles of old. Another reason for square foot gardening is due to the random limits my knee places on me. A square foot garden plot is generally only 4 feet wide/deep making it easy to tend from the edges. Square foot gardening also allows for more food production per square foot of land than row gardening.

One thing I learned was that I do not like to interact with my neighbors when I am tending my garden. So for me to have a garden and be happy while tending it I will need enough room to erect some type of visual barrier around the perimeter of the property. My leaning at this time is for this barrier to be a shrub or bush type that produces a fruit or other consumable, but we will see.

Because I like to garden, am wanting to be able to put away the food produced, and the longest shelf life I know of is canning this means that I will need an out door kitchen of some type. Having grown up on acreage in Florida with the 2 state "birds" being mosquitoes and flys this "kitchen" area will be under cover with some type of bug screen.

Life Style

For the long term health of my body and maintaining my knee I need to look to a life style that is active, but gentle and very scale-able. By having a garden I have included a scale-able work load that will keep me fit and engaged as well as rendering food for myself. By producing my own food I become less dependent on stores; however without a well the cost of the food is actually higher, so a well is a must. Food is a big motivator for me. In addition to the gardening I am also hoping to start up an at home workout routine using resistance bands and one of those "yoga trapeze" looking "outfits". If the way my body is reacting to the activity at my folks farm is any indication the inclusion of a workout routine is something that is in the future for now, but goals are good.

Another aspect that I will have to keep in mind is my weight. While at this time I am about 35% body fat at almost 200 pounds, this is something that needs to be maintained. The activity required for gardening will help to curtail weight gain as well as the production of food at home reducing the amount of processed foods consumed. One of the courses I took to maintain my Personal Trainer status was on nutrition, I highly recommend all individuals to take a course on nutrition. The course highlighted that the best way to maintain and improve your body composition is through diet. The biggest contributor to being over weight is processed foods and an over reliance on meat both of which are very calorie dense foods. While a strict vegan or vegetarian diet is just not for me, incorporating a lot of their thought processes in my life will be happening. Some would say this is more of a European diet that I have in mind.

As per what I have been told, I am hitting that normal phase in life when I am becoming more interested in my chosen religion. This means that I am also looking at ways in which to incorporate my religion into my life without it being glaringly obvious that it is; I do like subtle. Which is almost the exact opposite of who I am according to some who know me. Everyone has their invisible friends and invisible forces they have faith in behaving in certain beneficial manners; I am no different.

With any luck I will be able to work for myself as well. With a goal income of $10,400 per year it is feasible that I can. Currently I am looking at the Cottage Industry as a possible means to fulfill this. I have an inclination for a few different cottager industries; selling honey, homemade pasta, and dried herbs. The most likely to start first is going to be the dried herbs as these will be a natural by product from using companion planting to control pests in my garden. Shortly after depending on a few variables either selling honey will be next or homemade pasta.

So that is my dream, only time will tell if I get to live it.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Passive Houses

NOTE: I am not a building professional in any sense of the meaning of the term. This is a research and educational document for myself.

A random click on a random YouTube Video sent me down a rabbit hole on Passive Houses. The short explanation of the Passive House concept is to significantly reduce the energy needed to maintain desirable conditions inside a structure using advanced building technology. The concept or origin of Passive Houses is from Germany.

One of the items used in the YouTube Video that caught my attention was the use of tape to secure and ensure the Water Restrictive Layer and Air Barrier Layer is sealed.(1) Of the, I don't know how many, videos I have watched of building various structures I did not recall the use of taping to seal these layers prior to finishing. Another interesting difference I noticed in the YouTube Video was the use of a Service Cavity.

Building Techniques Used:

  1. Highly insulated building envelope (2)
  2. High performance triple glazed windows (2)
  3. Elimination of thermal bridges (2)
  4. Continuous air sealed layer (2)
  5. Heat recovery ventilation (2)

Highly Insulated Building Envelope - 5 Sections

The Building Envelope includes the walls, roof, floor, windows, and doors. 

Water Shedding Layer (1)

This layer is the outer most layer and its primary function is to prevent water from entering the building structure.

Water Restrictive Layer  (1)

This layer is directly behind the Water Shedding Layer. The Water Restrictive Layer's job is to restrict the amount of water able to gain access to the structures behind it. Conventional construction uses tar paper; in the YouTube Video (1) that caused the rabbit hole dive into the topic they use a particle board type of material.

Insulation Layer (1)

The Insulation Layer is the layer that has the buildings insulation in it and in the Passive House design mentioned in the YouTube this means 2 inch by 10 inch lumber on the exterior walls (1).

Air Barrier Layer (1)

The Air Barrier Layer prevents heat loss or gain through the movement of air into or out of a building.

Air barrier products may take several forms:
  • Mechanically-attached membranes, also known as housewraps, usually a polyethylene-fiber or spun-bonded polyolefin, such as Tyvek is a generally accepted moisture barrier and an air barrier (ASTM E2178). (4)
  • Self-adhered membranes, which are typically also a water-resistant barrier and a vapor barrier (4)
  • Fluid-applied membranes, such as heavy-bodied paints or coatings including polymeric based and asphaltic based materials (4)
  • Closed-cell medium density spray-applied polyurethane foam, which typically provides insulation as well (4)
  • Some open-cell spray-applied polyurethane foam that are of high density (4)
  • Boardstock, which includes 12 mm plywood or OSB, 25 mm extruded polystyrene, etc. (4)

Moisture Barrier Layer (1)

The Moisture Barrier Layer also called a vapor barrier (or vapour barrier) is any material used for damp proofing, typically a plastic or foil sheet, that resists diffusion of moisture through the wall, floor, ceiling, or roof assemblies of buildings to prevent interstitial condensation and of packaging. Technically, many of these materials are only vapor retarders as they have varying degrees of permeability. (4)

Service Cavity (1)

Instead of having the services, other wise known as electric cabling and water lines, in side of the insulation later; the Passive House Building Standard has a separate layer dedicated to them that is also insulated (1). A service cavity makes a certain amount of sense as it keeps you from having to penetrate the insulation layer to run or repair your services. This allows you to maintain the integrity of the building envelope much better than having the services ran in the insulation layer while possibly increasing the ease to repair said services.


Water resistant and waterproof

Often refer to penetration of water in its liquid state and possibly under pressure (4) Under pressure, the water exploits butt joints, lap joints, nail holes, and other openings to flow inside (3). Even without wind, some water will migrate through tiny gaps to the back of siding through capillary action, the way water is siphoned up a stalk of celery.(3) This is true of brick, wood, and stucco, as well as the newest composite materials. (3)

Damp proof 

Refers to resistance to humidity or dampness. Permeation of water vapor through a material or structure is reported as a moisture vapor transmission rate (MVTR). (4)



Thursday, September 5, 2019


RICO law refers to the prosecution and defense of individuals who engage in organized crime. In 1970, Congress passed the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act in an effort to combat Mafia groups. Since that time, the law has been expanded and used to go after a variety of organizations, from corrupt police departments to motorcycle gangs. RICO law should not be thought of as a way to punish the commission of an isolated criminal act. Rather, the law establishes severe consequences for those who engage in a pattern of wrongdoing as a member of a criminal enterprise. (1)

RICO allows for prosecution of all individuals involved in a corrupt organization. For mob prosecutions, that means that the government can go after top leadership as well as the hit men and capos. And RICO established much enhanced sentences, as well. John L. Smith described the impact of RICO in an article for the Las Vegas Review-Journal: "After RICO, mob families began to crack under the very real threat that members and associates could be indicted en masse for a wide range of criminal activity. ... [E]ven the strongest stand-up guy would have trouble fading the 20-year (and more) sentences that began accompanying RICO convictions." (2)

Criminal RICO

To violate RICO, a person must engage in a pattern of racketeering activity connected to an enterprise. The law defines 35 offenses as constituting racketeering, including gambling, murder, kidnapping, arson, drug dealing, bribery. Significantly, mail and wire fraud are included on the list. These crimes are known as "predicate" offenses. To charge under RICO, at least two predicate crimes within 10 years must have been committed through the enterprise. The crimes must be committed through an enterprise. (2)

RICO criminalizes three activities:

  1. Using illegal income to acquire, establish, or operate an enterprise; (3)
  2. Acquiring an interest in such an enterprise; and (3)
  3. Using an enterprise to collect a debt. (3)


Saturday, August 17, 2019

Expectations - Rambling

We all have expectations, of ourselves, of others, of life. Some are good at having realistic expectations, others not so much.

Right now I feel that I should be writing some seriously deep philosophical pieces, yet all I get from my brain is ....

Truth is I am tired. Very Very Tired. And I have been working on this tired for years. Constantly finding the energy, means, whatever was needed to get the job done. Kicking the proverbial can down the road just a little farther, digging deeper and finding more water in a well that had gone dry.

13 Years at a job that has ultimately destroyed more relationships than made for a house I owned for 9 years. However that sacrifice is also affording me much. I have had a materially comfortable life for most of that time, even if I was not able to participate in Life as I would have liked. Now That the house has sold and the job is ending the sacrifices made could allow me the ability to leverage them to a better life.

One of the biggest things the motorcycle accident February 16, 2018 did was give me time to think, to breathe. One of the biggest things my soon to be gone job does not afford me much of is time and space to think, to breathe. I can honestly say I now understand the Phrase "stop and smell the roses." It is this understanding that has me chaffing quite a bit as the days at my soon to be former job count down.

My hope with this new start on life and the harvest of the prior years is to set myself up so that I am not beholden to a job or a pay rate, but rather any job with sufficient hours or pay will do. Maybe with a little luck I will also be able to have my own business and with a little more luck that business can be something that feeds my soul rather than leaving me a haggard mess.

It is the understanding of what owning a "successful" business does to a person that has allowed me to work this soon to be former job. But my definition of success is different and more importantly I know it now at least. Success for me is not the fancy nor the expensive. Success for me will be the ability to go and do those things that feed my soul, while being able to provide the basics for myself.

But I get the drive for the expensive stuff, it is a trap, but I get it. The more expensive stuff you have or the more money you have the bigger the divide between what is uncomfortable and what is comfortable. The longer between the need to live hand to mouth, yet many would be probably surprised at how much those who have "money" are close to having less. Not to mention how much less they really have.

One thing I learned from working my soon to be former job, is that those who I work for will rarely, if ever, know what it is like to have a real friend. Those who I have worked for really only have alliances. The bad thing is that this mentality has spilled, as it is prone to do, over into those who have less. More and more I see people building alliances based off of the perceived value of a person based on what they have that is immediately needed, than true long lasting friendships.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Friends and Injury

I wasn't quite sure what to title this one...

There is that old saying/adage that to some effect says that you know who your friends are when  you are at your lowest. I have some awesome friends. I have learned the validity of that saying many times over in the last bit of time.

What I didn't realize, and know a lot of people probably don't realize, is that we start to dismiss people when they are recovering. We see them get to a certain point and seem to say "ah they can take it from here." The friends I have kept in my life haven't.

Something else I also realized is that healing comes in phases and hills and valleys.

You have the very first phase, the one when you have a health care team working to get you healed ... to a certain point. That point is the point in which further contact is not needed, because you are at a point in which you have reached maximum possible recovery based on their medical standards. Most health care providers will happily see you past this point, but are also willing to not see you.

Then you have the second phase, it is still quite obvious there is something not quite right here and you need help. This is probably the easiest phase, ironically. Here you are healed enough that you can pretty much function on your own, but not quite and it is obvious. This phase is easiest because you can function on your own and others constantly ask or volunteer to help because it is still obvious that you need help. Also typically by the time you get to this phase the injury is still fresh and new in everyone's minds, your support network isn't tired yet.

The next phase, which is where I am now I think, you pretty much can appear "normal" with some slight aberrations or abnormalities, but this differences are with in what people consider acceptable. So for the most part people forget that you do have non normal limits, some of this is also my fault in that I do not like to show how difficult some things are for me.

It is this last phase that I think is where people get stuck and where those outside the experience of the injured often apply negative labels. It would be easy to get stuck here, as an injured person, because I have most of my ability to function normally back and can either think my way around the rest or have the means to pay for someone to do it.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Abortion Political Chicken

In the last few weeks there has been a political chicken game played over abortion. A game that I find highly offensive. Don't get me wrong, I am all for each and every person's opinion on the topic. Believe Abortion is the taking of a life; good for you. Believe that it is a woman's choice; good for you.

But let us look at some hard facts

The adoption system in America is crap. Once there was a time that a child could be dropped off with family and no one said boo. That time is not now. In order for families to adopt, they have to let some government institution in to their lives, they have to meet certain criteria as well. I get it, we all want the best for the child and the only way outsiders can ascertain that the child is actually going to a better place is by certain markers in life.

The foster system in American is more abusive than anything. This I know from a first hand account from someone who grew up in it. If dogs were constantly shuttled from one pound to another, constantly in and out of the pound even if it was on a yearly basis I know people who would cry abuse and protest. Yet this is what the foster system does and no one says otherwise, because at least the child is alive.

At least the child is alive.

What what life will that child have? I know from my own experience that as a human being I need a pack, a family, a group to call mine who also calls me theirs in spite of my awfulness. A child in the foster system does not have this. A child in an unstable home because the mother can not provide adequately on a consistent basis does not have this. This problem is not fixed through only waiting for marriage to have kids. If you haven't noticed it takes 2 incomes now to provide the basics for life for a family. I know it is rough on me when I am living by myself to provide for myself.

Let's get to the work place. While we are here let us also be honest, there are practically none that are conductive to having a child at work with the parent or even having a child at all. The time demands, the general conditions, you name it the work place is not conductive to raising children unless you have one parent living at home to care for it, but then there is the problem of having enough income to keep food on the table, a roof, and clothing.

Personally, it is a death sentence for myself or the fetus should I get pregnant. I do have access to a short period of time to give birth and maybe recover. But the stark reality is that I will likely be living at poverty levels after giving birth if I don't lose everything due to the requirements of responsibly keeping a kid. After all you can only leave work early or call out for work because you don't have someone to watch over the kid so many times before you are asked to leave. Having managed single parents, know the struggle they have well enough to know I don't want it.

So since most believe that for the unborn there is at least a very good chance of not ending up in hell . . . I have to ask ... Why is forcing a mother to birth a child into conditions that could be considered hell right?

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Veggie Casserole

It all started with 1 Red Pepper, 2 Zucchini, 4 small Sweet Potato.

I don't have a zestier, so i have to peel, Julianne, and finely chop

Then juiced the lemon and added the peels

Added 1 can of Black Beans, lemon, 3-4 tablespoons of minced garlic, salt and pepper.

Added the mix to a greased 13x9 pan

Chia Seeds for the omega fats stuffs

The Salsa Crema (recipe found here). This stuff is an excellent replacement for sour cream.

Bake at 350F for 40 minutes and enjoy

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Handling a Set Back

Today I was asked how I handled the Set Backs of the injury to my knee from the Motorcycle Accident on February 16, 2018 by a friend who is also dealing with physical limitations. Naturally this gets me to thinking and actually analyzing how I get this thing done. The answer I gave used the stages of life I have experienced already to shape it; childhood, teen, and adult.

As a child we are accustomed to having all of our needs provided for us. Children are also natural sponges for information and typically pick up more than some realize. The child also likes to play. These three qualities can be very useful when having to adapt to a new physical state. The child like quality of being an information sponge can allow you to pick up information from your body and other sources that will allow you to better adapt to your new physical abilities. While learning to adapt your thinking to your new physical abilities you will need that child like acceptance of help and sometimes this means always accepting help to achieve some items. A child's like of play can be used to make the whole process a "game" where the goal is to find out what you can do.

Teens. Teenagers are known for their rebellion. In this rebellion teens are working out what limits are actually beneficial for them and defining who they are separate from their parents. A teen's rebellious nature can be used to challenge what you think are your new limits and used to find new ways to achieve the same results. However, because we are talking about a change in physical ability this rebellion must be tempered by the Adult.

Just as teens are great at breaking rules; Adults are great at making rules. The rules imposed by adults are typically from either outside sources such as respected leaders/organizations or from life experience. Adult rules are there to limit behavior to what is considered correct or acceptable. Adults also guide the younger child and teens. Both of these tenancies can be used to keep the child on topic and keep the teen from further damaging one's self.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Perils of Leadership

Originally Titled "What Makes a Hero?"

What Makes a Hero?

We have many examples in various different mediums of Heroes, But what makes a Hero a Hero?

Joseph Campbell gives an example of a Hero as someone who go forth then comes back with prior unknown knowledge.

Comics give examples of Heroes as people with extraordinary abilities who do extraordinary things.

Fiction will give examples of people being put in extraordinary situations, but coming out ahead.

I think that last one is really what we can most relate to. Those who have been put in extraordinary situations and still come out ahead; be that ahead, morally, emotionally, or otherwise.

**** for the record I really do not like that the only female in a cape, the universal symbol for heroes, is what it is. I have known way too many empowered females who do not fit that shape ***

Nurses, Doctors, Emergency Personnel ... They are all Heroes. Yet very few wear capes, or fit the picture above. These are people who dedicate often a decade of their life to learning just to serve ... us sick bastards who often do not give them or their families the credit they are due.

In this day and age of massive needs of help, our normal Heroes cannot save us, so we turn to imaginary ones; Comics, T.V., Movies, Etc. Yet in doing this we forget that these people we are expecting us to save us from ourselves are human just like us. In doing this we put the expectations of the fictional characters on them. 

We set them up to fail us.

Let me repeat that ... WE set them up to fail us.

A human being is not a fictional character with extra attributes to help them in saving ourselves from ourselves. They are just as human as we are; just with a different knowledge set.

Not only are we setting up our emergency services to fail us, but we also set up our political leaders too. We expect our leaders to lead us out of this dead end cannon that we have chosen to go into, forgetting that it was our own head strong notions that got us there in spite of our leaders trying to lead us else where. 

Why is this happening? It is actually the same mentality that the Nazi's had exploited. The willingness to do things that are abhorrent if there is a person who has ordered it with sufficient believable authority to absolve you of responsibility of the act. In other words; very few of us are willing or strong enough to withstand the full weight of social pressure.

yet we punish those who do...

Those who are strong enough to withstand the onslaught of social pressure face being numbed to the needs of others to the exclusion of their ideal or destroyed emotionally, physically, mentally by those who would help them.

It is time that those of us to make up the flock decide to take responsibility for what we expect others to do for us. If you are not willing to make the decisions; aka do the job  yourself, then you need to stop telling those who are they are horrible. Instead try to understand the pressure that they are under from you and how you can change that pressure, because ...

Ultimately ...

Every leader depends on those they lead giving their power to them to lead.

It is time for those of us who follow a leader to take responsibility for the pressure we put on our leaders and give them better feed back on what we want.