Sunday, August 16, 2015

A Sports Society?

I have been reading a few articles, blogs and the such on the new micro-aggression thing taking over colleges.

Micro-aggression for those who are not familiar is in short terms the use of language to exclude or belittle a person. Asking a person of a different ethnic background where they are from could be seen as a Miro-aggression as it implies that the person is not from America or the local area, thus does not belong.

Now why did I label a post the way I did and start with Micro-aggression?

Sports are all about competition. The pitting of one's self against another or the pitting of a group against another group using rules to govern what is acceptable and what is not acceptable or fair play.

Sports encourage winning, or gaining one more point over the opposition. This is a game of "one up" is something that those who enjoy and excel at sports become exceptionally good at and drag into their every day lives.

Sports encourage defensive and offensive thinking; if I do this then the results could be that and planning for both in an attempt to get your opponent to show a weak spot. This game of "gotcha" is again something that those who excel and enjoy sports become exceptionally good at and bring into their every day lives.

Now I am not saying that competition is wrong or evil, but look at who makes the most money in our society and gets the most attention. No longer is it the artists. No longer is it the scientists. For the artist and scientist mind is not geared toward these games of "one up" or "gotcha" in fact those minds would be sorely hampered and harmed by the prevalence of those games for they do not naturally think in those lines.

Perhaps this new generations insistence on enforcing Micro-aggression social rules is a result of the above? After all I know from my own long out dated experience in high school that the schools catering to the "jock" mentality was detrimental to those of the intellectual and artistic mind set.

Perhaps this is coming out the way it is because the up and coming generation recognises America's need to be innovators again and this was the only way they could as a group without discrimination possibly support those that would be innovators?

Or perhaps this is a cry for an actual civilized society, instead of one ran by highly intelligent animals.

Either way its gonna reek havoc on day to day communications and cause even more of a gap between the generations.

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