Monday, August 17, 2015

Micro Agression Version 2.0

Are you tired of this topic yet? Too bad I am not. In fact I have been talking to every person I know about it trying to understand and get a better feel of it. After all I do not have school aged kids to draw information from.

An on that note ...

I have been informed that my theory of it being a responce to the sports inclined having an advantage in school is erronious due to the fact that direct violence to the geeks, etc. is frowned upon by the student body as a whole.

So I took another leap.

Why would very intelligent young adults feel the need to impose such difficult relationships on each other? Why make communication, which is third hand really, so much more difficult? (communication is done by words, words are symbols of ideas, thus you recieve an idea third hand due to translation)

Could they being attempting to teach something? If they are attempting to teach us fossils of a by gone error; what could it be?

If they are teaching and that is their end game then I can only assume (hey we all know what that saying is) that they are trying to highlight the left over issues that are ingrained into our society, but we can't seem to shake. Issues such as racism or the repression of any social group. After all that is what most of the Mirco Agression addresses; I ask where you are from, you take it as an implication that you do not belong because you can claim some protected social class.

Or perhaps are they trying to show us exactly how sensitive these topics are by taking the reaction to any percieved minute action to the extreme?

Maybe they are just bored? Perhaps the educational system is failing our future by not allowing our future to access information at the speeds they can process it?

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