Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Inferiority Lessons Learned

Insight via TV its been a while since a TV show written for entertainment purposes has granted me an insight, but I have received one.  Color me shocked. I have been watching Reign about Mary the queen of the Scots. Mary is a young queen who was promised from a very young age to marry the next king of France. However at this time in the show Scotland is in dire need of troops and supplies to fend off the English. Mary has no alleys in Court and no power of influence; she is having to make her way from nothing. So as to not ruin the show for those who would wish to watch it I will say nothing more than Mary is able to succeed in putting herself and her country in a better position.

I could pick this show apart in comparison to the bible and its characters, but that is not what grabbed me and has kept me up tonight.

What grabbed me was that Mary was willing to set a diplomat known to be hostile to her free, one that eluded to trying to have her poisoned, in the name of doing right. Be it as you may it was also to free herself from a betrothal to a monster of a man and she used it to renegotiate another betrothal. She still could have not seen to have the hostile diplomat freed before his execution. She could have waited until his death and quietly achieved the same with much more power at her disposal than had she not.

Such is the politics of Court. Such is the politics of users and takers. That which you can hold over another person's head in shame is power. 

But what does Court do to those whom it can't shame? It works to make them feel inferior. Worthless. Because a person who is not ashamed of being human, of their faults, is a danger that cannot be controlled in that manner.

The question then becomes are they inferior? I say not. For once the worthless realizes their power over the Court because they cannot be manipulated via fault or shame said person has real power. Power that can destroy or build. And there in lies the the reason of making this person feel worthless. For this person operates outside of the known and accepted parameters, uses their own moral compass and more importantly thinks for them self. 

And what is the most dangerous thing to establishments? Persons who think for themselves. Individuals.

I will give you fair reader one guess as to the type of person I value.

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