Friday, August 21, 2015


Ok so apparently I have developed a new pet peeve. I can't stand being described as somebody's whatever.

For some reason I don't mind the family association, but to be introduced as Nicole (insert person's name) (insert relationship) bugs me to no end. Example Jessica introducing me as "This is Nicole, Jon's Ex"

For some reason I take it like I am being introduced as their property or something. Yeah I know I am weird, get over it I have to live with it. It makes me feel like I am not worth knowing unless I am a part of someone else. Sorry folks, but I am my own person and I am worth knowing as my own person.

While at the same time I understand the need to have some point of reference for knowing someone, it still bugs me. Relationships are important, but they do not define me and that is a very odd stance for a woman to take. As most women will do just about anything to preserve relationships because a woman is geared to live in them, I flat out refuse to be defined by them. Thinking back this is a personality trait of mine, because for as long as I can remember I have not cared about who I was friends with so long as they had a code they lived by, could tollerate some off the wall conversations (I like to discet most things add nausium) and posses a personality they were not afraid to show even if it was a bit off from the social norm.

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