Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Right Thing

It struck me recently something absolutely hilarious; most people want to do the right thing, yet as a race i do not think we can decide on what the right thing is!

You have the Jewish, who use the Torah as a means to determine what is right and wrong. What can be eaten, etc.

You have the who knows how many Christ followers who use their Bible to determine what is right and wrong. Then some decide to throw in a few bits as well.

You have the Islamic who have the Koran as a measure that also provides insight in how to handle other life issues as well.

Buddhism and Tao, i am not familar with their religious texts, but they seem to have the simplest method of determining right and wrong. If it harms it is wrong, but yet just about every choice you make will harm some one or something.

So is there an actual right and wrong? Is it all subjective?

Take for example death. In America taking another's life is wrong, punishable by imprisonment or death. I can understand the want or need to take bad genes out of the available pool for reproduction, but does killing a killer make you the better person?

Americans consider it cruel to allow an animal to suffer, yet justified to allow another human to suffer if they meet certain criteria. That criteria ranges from gay to poor to just unfortunate, after all the person "must" have done something wrong to deserve the suffering. But I ask you; the child with cancer did he or she who was born with it do something wrong in the womb? How could he or she have done anything? What about the virtuous spouse stricken with AIDs from an unfaithful spouse? Should we force such a person to endure a horrible slow death? Is it wrong?

While adversity builds character should someone have to suffer god awful amounts of pain for us to feel justified in our life, beliefs or other random cognitive function? After all if one made ones pets live in the conditions we allow our weakest to live one would be accused of abuse and neglect.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


It is said that it is the root of all evil. Yet money was developed as a means to ease trade by establishing an equal means and more portable means of trade. Has it made it more equitable?

Friday, October 17, 2014


A good friend of mine recently pointed out why chicks/women are so crazy. They(we) have to be. Otherwise women would never agree to go for long walks on a moon lit beach or out after dark alone with a guy. Because really think about it, those things are crazy and insanely risky for the vast majority of women due to their being physically smaller and weaker than men.

It truly is amazing that dating happens when you think about it like that.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Power and Control - A Rant while undugling adult beverages

SO after finding out my blood pressure is 135/94 ....

please pardon any jumping that may occur as I am indluging my adult self in consumption of adult beverages.

Control is an illusion. Those you think have control only have control because you gave them the power to.

those who have power over you only do so because you valued something they convinced you some one else and ultimately they had power over.

So in reality, you have control and power over your entire life if you choose to.

so why are so many of you bitching and moaning over shit you have control over?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Facebook Friends - Rant

So everyone knows you can blame this one getting started on my brother.

How did this get started? Well my brother is suposed to get married this year to a wonderful Lady he has been with for years now. Because there is a wedding, there has to be wedding guests. Here in lies the fun. My brother has only slotted 7 spots for family. He has invited, and I assume received confirmation from some friends. Naturally the number of spots allocated for family has sparked off regular rants I have had to listen to from both of my parents.

In all honesty I don't blame my brother for only allocating a small number to a family that doesn't seem interested in him(I say us).

After all I remember growing up my dad would take his vacation to drive mom, my brother and I up to Texas, so we could visit the family. I do not remember their coming down for either my brother's or my own graduation claiming it was too expensive.

Yet I know certain members were as close as Orlando throughout the years and they couldn't spare the expense of a few hours to come visit then either.

Ok so you have my side of part of the back history.

So after discovering that my brother has only allocated a small number for family, I got to thinking. How many people take for granted I am going to always over look the fact that the only time I hear from them is because they want, need or feel they are entitled to something? How many people do I do that to?

Gandi says be the change you wish to see. Gonna take that to heart on this matter. Gonna check in a few times with those in the family for no other reason than to say hi. Then if I get no response or reciprocity conviently loose their information.

Sounds to me like a reasonable thing. After all I know people get busy I don't expect every day, week or hell even monthly contact, but I would like to know that on occasion I cross their mind more than oh hey she is on Facebook.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Affordable Care Act and PP

So now that the Affordable Care Act and Patient Protection (I'll be calling ACA) is a reality I have been attempting to wrap my brain around it. Other wise know as come to some type of understanding.

I am going to start with this statement; I am wholly against more rules, regulations, laws and the such, but as less and less Americans endeavor to have that thing called honor, righteousness or the like I do see a need for more of what I am against. So to those who oppose more of what I am against; teach others to behave.

We live in a world that will destroy the idealistic, we can thank quite a few movements for that, but at the same time with greater ability to ignore "righteous" behavior comes greater ability to do real and lasting good. Thus as a country, it is my opinion, we have come to a cross roads where we can continue to be the greatest and longest lived of our kind by increasing our base level of maturity or we can go the way of Rome.

But I digress, so back to the topic at hand. The majority of my opinion is based off of the information provided on Wikipedia about ACA due to it being the easiest for me to read without a legal dictionary at my side. Not to mention it is also significantly shorter than the 900+ page act to read.

The questions that I have not been able to answer about ACA are the following.

Does a company have to sign up their newly hired employee for ACA if they have insurance that meets ACA requirements?

What happens with an employee is fired, does the company have to continue to pay for ACA coverage for said employee?

Can a person stop accepting ACA insurance if they find a plan that offers acceptable coverage?

Who is providing/underwriting the insurance plans? Is it a company like Blue Cross or is the government becoming an insurance provider now?

I will continue to search for the answers and hopefully be able to find them, when I do I will post them