Friday, November 24, 2017

Areogarden - start

So thanks to my Granny having one the last time I visited and work giving me a nice bonus with a good deal from Amazon I am now a lazy gardener. . .

It is really easy to set up.

Attach the base to the telescoping pole then add the light hood and the unit is assembled.

Add water and nutrients in the base, plug in, and add the pods.

Plug in and set the light settings. They have it pre programmed for their seed kits, so all you do is select which kit you have and you are ready to go. You van adjust when the light comes on and the unit automatically adjusts the turn off time.

I decided to go with hydroponic gardening because I like cooking with fresh herbs and wanted a year round(ish) harvest. The cost of the unit is aproximately what i would spend in 6 months on fresh herbs from the store.